Why You Should Seek Trauma Counseling?


Trauma and PTSD may be crippling, terrifying, and humiliating for those who struggle with them. You are not alone in your struggle. PTSD and trauma therapy can help you understand and manage your symptoms.

Our licensed psychiatrist in Maryland can help you deconstruct trauma even further, helping you see that there are several sorts of trauma.

Trauma symptoms can range from psychical to psychological to emotional. Every person has a unique experience with the symptoms they experience as a result of trauma. As an experienced healthcare provider in Silver Spring, Maryland, we can assist you in not just identifying but also treating the symptoms.

Physical symptoms include sweaty palms, racing hearts, upset stomachs, chest tightness, migraines, sleeplessness, fast breathing, being startled easily, and trembling or shaking. Meanwhile, shock, denial, disbelief, uncertainty, difficulty concentrating, mood swings, rage, withdrawing from others, feeling disconnected or numb, guilt, shame, nightmares, and self-blame are some of the psychological and emotional symptoms.

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms described above, please know that you are not alone. According to research, more than 70% of adults have encountered a traumatic event at least once in their lives.

With the right support system and toolkit, trauma therapy, and PTSD treatment are extremely doable. Working with Foundational Healthcare Solutions means you’ll be working with someone who is highly trained in reducing and minimizing trauma symptoms and aiding you with relaxation techniques to help you feel more in control of your life.

Our psychologists are knowledgeable and trained in areas other than trauma therapy and PTSD treatment. In addition to mental health counseling, we can assist you with medication management and patient education.

We would appreciate hearing from you. Communicate with us and let’s discuss your needs.

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